
“Alexis Wilson invites us into her innermost thoughts and memories of her family with such profound eloquence, the reader is left both devastated and uplifted. Her story, exceptionally written and deeply expressed, is many things; not the least of which is a glimpse into a father/daughter relationship. As a father, it is my prayer that my daughter will one day hold me with such high esteem, as Alexis does hers. NOT SO BLACK AND WHITE is an inspiration!”
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“NOT SO BLACK AND WHITE is a stunning memoir about an unconventional childhood. A poignant meditation on life, death, art, love and commitment that goes to the heart of what it means to be a family. Both heartwarming and heart-wrenching, Alexis Wilson’s book is ultimately a mirror in which we see our own humanity and the enduring power of love.”
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“As Mayor of Columbus, Ohio, although many requests and written words cross my desk, I am not always struck emotionally. However, this memoir written by Alexis Wilson  is positively compelling. The work warrants strong encouragement and support. Her journey has been brave and inspiring!”
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“NOT SO BLACK and WHITE is imperishably mesmerizing. Cinematically written, it effortlessly pulls you into the most intimate, heartrending of spaces between father and daughter on and off stage. From Harlem to Holland, it is a beautiful testament and tribute to unshakable love.”
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“NOT SO BLACK AND WHITE is inspirational! Alexis Wilson is a beautiful writer. This daughter honors her father, shares her life and love for that father, whose path I was fortunate to have crossed. Billy Wilson taught his daughter the love she now fully understands. Through her writing, she has done this with eloquence and passion. Her father is beaming that handsome smile and dancing wildly among the stars. Fly Billy!”
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